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Lucianne Lassalle

Lucianne Lassalle

Miss Aligned (2023)
71 cm × 22 cm × 15 cm

Purchase Price: £6,895.00


Born in Paris in 1960, now living in Bristol, England, Lassalle has made sculptures since she was a child. She grew up in a bohemian artistic environment, her mother is a potter and her father a painter. The human form has always been Lassalle’s passion. It holds endless possibilities albeit just as pure sculptural form or as a socio-political reflection or comment. Hugely influenced by contemporary dance and physical theatre, she explores dramatic movement as figures fly, fall and dance through space.

“I see the human form as the interface between the mental, emotional and spiritual processes inside and the external manifestation of these in the world. I am fascinated by the complexity of the human experience and from this I am compelled and inspired to make sculpture”

With desolation, arrogance, joy, tenderness the human form is marked, twisted and bent, authored by different states of being. The human form also leads her investigation into the vulnerabilities and vibrancy of human nature often inferring the archetypes of ancient mythologies especially Abrahamic and Greco/Roman. Integrating human, animal and earth energies; merging ancient and contemporary mythologies of gods and mortals. The rawness of the animal forces and the sacredness of the angelic forces work their way through to the body surface cracking open the thin veneer of civilisation and social mores as Lassalle redefines and celebrates the exuberant wildness and freedom that is inherent in our inner nature. Lassalle works from the life model, as well as from photos and memory.

Working on pieces on all scales from 15cm to 2 meters, she works in initially in clay the sculpture is then cast into limited edition Bronzes or resins.  Sculptures in an edition are cast as required either for sale or exhibition, so for some pieces, there may be a lead time from your order to delivery.  If your purchase is time dependent then do check with us on delivery times.

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