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Roger Aslin

Roger Aslin

Bridge Walkers 3 (2023)
Acrylic on Canvas
76 cm × 50 cm

Purchase Price: £1,950.00



Roger Aslin's main creative focus in recent years has been painting, using photography as an integral part of his process. Having created a significant body of work, Roger has exhibited in numerous open exhibitions, including the Royal Watercolour Society, the British Art Prize, the ING Discerning Eye Exhibition, the Art Gemini Prize, the Lynn Painter-Stainers Prize, and the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours at the Mall Galleries, London. He is a member of the Royal Institute of Painters in Water Colours (RI).

Regarding his practice, Aslin says, "My current painting explores two key areas – the figure and the urban environment – and is influenced by my ongoing interest in film and television. My primary focus, through the medium of painting, is on how people interact with the contemporary environment.

I depict urban life in dramatic colour and shade, using a highly contrasting palette to emphasise shape and form. I capture images with a camera or phone, later refining and honing them digitally in the studio before commencing painting on paper, board, or canvas. The intense colour of the finished piece, usually achieved with water-based media (typically acrylic), is obtained by painting multiple layers. The image evolves during this process, with elements added or subtracted to achieve the final result."

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