The main inspiration for the work comes from Page’s interest in art and artefacts from throughout human history that reflect our changing relationship with animals. From the wild Aurochs in cave paintings to depictions of the Egyptian bull deity Apis, or the exaggerated rectangular cow paintings of prized livestock from the 18th & 19th centuries, the heavily romanticised Victorian pastoral scenes of cattle or even the cow screen prints of Warhol’s factory. Examples of artworks like this demonstrate our changing view of the animal world, from hunter gatherers through early settled agriculturally based communities to industrialisation and urbanisation and to the present day.
Page’s work draws on some of these themes and he aims to create artworks that are both ancient and modern, not only reflecting on this changing relationship, but also on the this key point in the history of humankind and the natural world.
The work in ENTITIES aims to offer an optimistic view of the future where we can find a new respect for these magnificent entities that have toiled alongside us through millennia to help us get to where we are today.
Owl II (2017)Bronze58 cm × 30 cm × 28 cm