Exhibition featuring 20 Women Only Artists
This comment by Marcel Duchamp on the restrictive role of women in the surrealist movement was instrumental in Peggy Guggenheim putting on her exhibition of 31 women artists at her New York Gallery in 1943. 75 years later the question is still relevant and seemed an apt theme for this exhibition which is being curated in collaboration with the production of Picasso’s Women.
The exhibition will feature solely female artists working across a range of media. This will be the third women only exhibition to be featured at Gallery Different, and comes at a time when there is a global spotlight on the role of women in society and the way in which they are portrayed and perceived. Timely then to put on this exhibition alongside the insightful dramatic performances that highlight the effect of this portrayal and perception.
The monologues focus on each woman’s perspective of being a muse for a male artist; the artwork will open up a discussion of how the muse’s position changes under the female rather than male gaze.
The participating artists have been invited by Karina Phillips, Director of Gallery Different and her co-curator Rebecca Fontaine-Wolf, current Vice President of the Society of Women Artists.
Participating Artists:
Rosalind Barker | Kate Bentley | Laura Beaumont | Judy Clark | Adelaide Damoah | Louise Giblin | Roxana Halls | Emma Hopkins | Christina Jansen | Irene Lees | Maggie Nolan | Noushin Ourmazd | Natalie Papmichael | Carla va de Puttelaar | Hazel Reeves | Nell Sully | Jenny van Gimst | Patsy Whiting | Suzie Zamit
Mercy (2013)Bronze28 cm × 21 cm × 23 cm